How to learn English “

On the great importance of today’s ability to speak another language, you do not need to talk. Sooner or later, everyone may have a situation where you have to explain with a person of a different nationality. And it may happen that in this meeting, a lot can depend on both your fate and for the future of your own company.

There are no people without abilities for foreign languages, since we learned to speak Russian? But in many there are sloths who like to say that they are unable to cover their laziness.

We describe the main ways to increase our conversational or written level.

How to learn English

Courses can be paid and free. Paid are wonderful in that if you pay personal, blood money for them, then the percentage of your effort will increase a hundred times, and you will have a strong motive to bring the matter to the very end.

There are free courses organized by some religious organizations. Members of these communities live in English -speaking countries, therefore, upon arrival in Russia, they sometimes carry out similar charity things. In large and self -respecting firms, foreign language courses for employees are held for free.

Reading books in English is a very wonderful way! If you try to study from the computer using a dictionary for several days in a row, then even after this small period you will see that your level has become a little higher. Books can either be bought in a store, or find free on the Internet, and a variety of genres and difficulty levels.

Listening to foreign speech – this method is perfect for training your oral speech. This requires the simplest MP3 player with a lesson recording. This is the easiest and most pleasant way to learn the language, very effective and convenient in traffic jams.

How to learn English

To go abroad – this is suitable for those who have an average or higher language level of language. For those who are completely poorly understood – it’s better not to go there yet.

Watching foreign films with subtitles is good only if you have a quick and cheap Internet connected.

Communication in English forums – this requires not international forums or portals for communication (such as facebook), but those created in countries where English is considered the main. This guarantees that if you communicate with them, you will answer you correctly, and you will learn various speech speeds.

Internet courses in English-there are full of them on the Internet! It remains to find something most suitable for yourself.

Living communication is suitable for those who have at least a small level of training. Such an option will be very useful. If you are not familiar with foreigners, then try to find among your friends anyone who can more or less can explain in English, and practice together.

And now closer to business. How to learn English?

And now closer to business. How to learn English?

If you start with 0, then start with letters and pronunciation – this is the basis. Any language consists of sounds, and they are expressed by letters, but in English all this is conditional.

There is an opinion that the alphabet is only for beginners, “but I am still tired of me at school”. This is erroneous: without an alphabet, it is problematic to dictate your foreign name, understand the abbreviation, and work fully with the dictionary.

The letters are followed by words consisting of the same letters. Starting to learn a foreign language, limit yourself to time. Suggestion, maybe this: in three months I will learn 2000 words, and these are only 20 or 25 words a day. Firmly fulfill your plan. This applies to any of your work: you will not have time to do on time – you will not make it at all.

But do not chase the number of words. You need not a simple vocabulary, but its high quality. Any person has his own conversational level in his native language and do not expect that on a foreign one he will radically differ from the original.

Read, analyze, look for new words in books or on the Internet, translate your entire Russian vocabulary into English in English. Books and teachers score your head with words that maybe you will never come in handy, so do not trust them absolutely, but choose the words yourself, those that you need exactly!