Another myth of osmotic water purification

Reverse osmosis is a long -recognized water treatment system in the apartment. In my opinion, she is the best, and many will agree with me. But I am one of those people who are lucky with the choice of a filter. There are also victims of low -quality goods. One of the complaints in this case is often a small volume of water at the output. That is, filtered water barely enough for a couple of people. Here I will try to explain that the filters of the reverse osmosis are not to blame, but their specific manufacturers.

Unfortunately, in the field of health it goes through the number of eager to cash in. When the goods are praised and promised instant getting rid of all diseases, think. This, of course, is very tempting, but whether such a “miracle” will bring disappointment after the purchase? There are no miracles. But there are truly high-quality filters that are really able to protect you from many diseases, and it costs that.

Only a good filter, such as Stimme Lebens, provide clean water with clean water. Moreover, there will be enough for aquarium fish, and on all kinds of kitty kitchens. And at the same time the effectiveness remains the same as in the consumption per person. The thin film of the membrane copes with large volumes of water due to the possibility of self-cleaning. Here the manufacturer really pleased us. And not only here.

The system itself is very convenient – it is built into furniture and is completely hidden from the eyes. The quality of water is extremely high, there is no doubt about it. Even to taste, it differs from the water of its counterparts – other reverse osmosis filters. German quality has always been distinguished by unsurpassed. Thorough study, special attention to the details, characteristic of the mentality of the Germans, certainly play our hands. You can doubt the merits only by buying goods from Russian factories under the German brand. But in the case of Stimme Lebens, this simply cannot be. Their supplies to Russia come exclusively from Germany, and then official representatives are taken to work.

Stimme Lebens filters are able to clean 190 liters of water per day for 4-6 years. And this does not mean that in the last couple of years they will clog and constantly break, and the water will cease to be so clean. So it could be with other filters, but not with Stimme Lebens. Therefore, choose a quality manufacturer, and with the volume of water in the apartment will always be all right.