Choose interior doors

You need to choose interior doors extremely carefully, because otherwise you risk spending your money in vain. There are many offers in the market, in connection with which it is quite difficult to choose a specific model.

There are several main types of interior doors that are sold on the market. Among them, products created from a solid array are in great demand. If all the standards are observed in manufacturing, as well as storage, then similar doors that can be bought on the website/dveri/mezhkomnatnie-dveri/will be the best option for apartments. The main advantage of such a product is that natural wood is used for its production. Such products are characterized by high frost resistance, prestige and durability, simplicity of disposal and low conductivity of sound. If we talk about the shortcomings, then the possible presence of cracks or knots should be noted. In cases where there is a sharp change in humidity, interior doors can be strongly deformed. They are prone to scratches, fuels, are expensive.

On sale are offered doors created from glued array. Their cost is slightly cheaper. Assembly scheme can change the appearance of products.

For the most part, veneered doors are presented on the market. For their creation, spoiled or waste wood is used. It does not differ in a particularly aesthetic look. For the canvas, glued pieces of pine are used. Such products are weakly resistant to distortion and deformation, cracks and drying. In this case, veneer is possible. Such products cannot be repaired, mold and fungus may appear on it.

Laminated doors belong to the class “Economy”. They are inexpensive and differ in lightweight. Rama is made from MDF or from chipboard. To increase the strength of the structure, hard paper is required. Strength is determined by the degree of paper drying. The most important drawback of such products is a weak “immunity” to moisture.