How to remove the second chin

The second chin can appear not only in full people, but also in slender. People of any age and gender are subject to this unpleasant misfortune. The causes of the second chin are diverse. It may appear as a result of a sharp fluctuation in body weight or obesity, and can also be hereditary in nature. As a result, the skin on the chin becomes more flabby and less elastic, so it begins to sag. You can get rid of the second chin in different ways, but any of them requires a certain time and effort.

How to remove the second chin

A special set of exercises was compiled to correct this ailment. Before proceeding with their implementation, you should prepare the skin of the face. In the absence of allergies to honey, it is necessary to use it regularly massage in the problem area with the fingertips. Honey is an excellent nutritional product that has an anti -aging effect. This property helps to make the skin on the chin more elastic and smooth.

There is an alternative honey agent. This tool is lemon juice. With it, you need to make special gauze dressings. To do this, it should be folded into several layers of gauze, wet it in advance prepared lemon juice, and then apply in the form of a tight dressing on the problem area. Such a bandage must be kept for 30 minutes, after which it is necessary to wash off the remaining citric acid on the skin and apply a nutritious cream. After 40 minutes, a tight bandage should be applied again, but already moistened with cool water.

How to remove the second chin

After carrying out preparatory procedures, you can proceed to the implementation of a set of exercises to eliminate the second chin.

First, it is necessary to apply a thick layer of nutrient cream to the problem area. Then, within 5 minutes, the pattern of the back of the palm on the chin part should be carried out.

When performing the next exercise, pronounce vowels for 5 minutes. This must be done in such a way that the lower jaw is in a tense state.

Now it is necessary to carry out rotational movements of the head from left to right, and in the opposite direction. The chin region should be pressed as much as possible to the chest area.

The final exercise is aimed at eliminating a double chin and the production of proper posture and a beautiful gait. To fulfill it, it is necessary to arm yourself with a heavy book, which should be put on your head and walk with it for 5 minutes.

How to remove the second chin

In the case when it is not possible to remove the second chin on your own, you can resort to the help of a qualified cosmetologist or plastic surgeon.

Currently, a procedure called mesodissollation is widely used to eliminate excess fat in the chin region. It consists in conducting a special drug that causes the destruction of fat cells, as well as stimulating the production of collagen fibers and elastin. Thanks to this, the skin becomes more elastic and fit.

Also, good results provide manual and vacuum massage courses. It should be noted that the second of them is more effective. Vacuum massage allows not only to get rid of unnecessary toxins, tighten the resulting skin folds, but also restore a disturbed local metabolism.

Turn to the plastic surgeon for help only when the second chin is expressed too much. In such a situation, the problem is solved by the removal of the resulting skin roller, after which the skin is sewn and becomes smooth and even.