Main characteristics of PRP tubes and features of their use: what you need to know

Plasmolifting has been successfully used in various fields of medicine for many years. Initially, it was used only in cosmetology, as the most effective way of rejuvenation. But over time, the scope of PRP has significantly expanded and went beyond cosmetology. The essence of the method is to take blood from the patient and its further processing. As a result, it is possible to obtain plasma with an increased content of platelets. The introduction of this drug into the problem area starts the regeneration processes, helps to cure diseases. To carry out the PRP procedure in accordance with all the rules, you need to use special test tubes – PRP tubes. It is on them that the effectiveness of treatment depends to a large extent.

How PRP tubes work

PRP treatment is carried out exclusively by specialists who have received appropriate training. The process of plasma preparation involves the isolation of platelets and increasing their concentration. At the same time, other components are removed from the liquid.

During the procedure, a small amount of venous blood is taken from the patient. For one procedure, 15 ml is enough. Blood enters the PRP tube, which is previously placed in a special system, with which blood is taken from the patient. Next, the tube is placed in a centrifuge, where it is processed for several minutes.

The tubes contain an anticoagulant that prevents the formation of blood clots, as well as a special patented separation gel. It is the gel that is the unique component on which the PRP technology is based. In the process of centrifugation, the blood in the test tube is stratified into fractions with different specific gravity. A release gel helps prevent mixing of the different layers.

The use of high-quality PRP tubes can significantly speed up and simplify the process of creating enriched plasma.

The use of PRP tubes in medicine

PRP therapy has many advantages, such as a pronounced therapeutic effect, affordable cost, safety, and no side effects. Therefore, the procedure began to be actively introduced into various fields of medicine.

In addition to performing skin rejuvenation procedures, PRP is effective for getting rid of various scars and scars on the skin. The procedure is used in hair transplantation.

In orthopedics and sports medicine, PRP has been actively used for many years. This procedure accelerates the healing process of fractures and sprains, promotes the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis.