The use of bamboo plates

Bamboo plates relatively recently entered the world of design and firmly settled in it. They are appreciated not only for an unusual appearance, but also for strength and moisture resistance. Thanks to the special varnish with which the surface of the plates is covered, it turns out to be even, shiny and perfectly repels moisture. Bamboo slabs are not only natural colors, but also multi -colored. Use plates both for furniture: cabinets, beds, bedside tables, and for wall decoration. Of course, Bambukova is not the entire plate completely, but only its upper layer, the plate itself is made from chipboard.

In the next aubidation, we will tell you what a kitchen lift is, and in which kitchens today it is used. Naturally, not small, but about everything in more detail later.

Various materials are used to finish furniture, but not all of them tolerate varnishing. Bamboo does not apply to such. Painting compositions fall on the bamboo stove exactly and do not spoil it. In this case, a perfectly flat surface with an unusual texture is obtained, completely repeating the tree pattern. After varnishing, the plate can be painted in any color, but the pattern will still appear through the paint.

Bamboo – a material that is not very often used in the furniture industry. Therefore, furniture with bamboo decoration looks original. Thanks to such furniture with such a surface, the entire interior is transformed.

A big plus of the bamboo slab is that it has a small weight. Many furniture manufacturers are working to facilitate the weight of the furniture, thanks to the new decoration technology using bamboo, this was achieved. Light furniture is in much greater demand among customers.