DIY trinkets for the home

Nothing decorates a home like various knick-knacks. Especially valuable if they are made by hand.

Bonsai trees will decorate the interior in almost any style. To weave a beaded tree, you need to take green beads No. 10 (several shades of about two hundred grams), brown floral ribbon or thread, wire, alabaster, Moment Crystal glue, alabaster, glass, pebbles and a pot.

Cut the wire into 200 pieces of 45 centimeters. String beads on each wire and make about seven loops of 8 beads. Twist the wire. Do this for each wire.

Connect the bundles into twigs of several pieces (from one to five), wrap them with tape. Connect these small branches into bunches (two to four) – these will be the middle branches.

Make large from the middle branches, collecting them in bundles from two to four pieces.

The largest branches consist of three or two previous ones.

Large branches, for plausibility, thicken with tape and floral tape.

Now start assembling the tree. Take the wire that will be central, and wind the necessary branches to it in turn. Thicken the barrel if necessary. It remains to plant a tree in a pot.

Dilute alabaster with water and pour into a pot, put a tree there. When the alabaster dries, the “ground” can be decorated with glass and colored stones.

In order to make an original keychain, you will need a piece of suede, thread, an awl, checkered fabric, cotton wool, a keychain ring, adhesive tape and scissors.

On the wrong side of the suede, draw the outlines of the heart. Open piece with seam allowance. With an awl, pierce the hole where the ring will be inserted.

From the fabric in the cage, make a rectangle, overcast its edges and make a shirring.

Get the details of the key fob, leaving a small cut for filling with cotton wool. When you fill the keychain, stitch the open area. Sew a piece of plaid fabric around the ring hole. Attach the ring. Keychain ready.

Using this technology, you can make a keychain of any shape.

As you can see, do-it-yourself trinkets for the home are quite possible, especially if you have patience and a sense of beauty.