No sofa anywhere!

Regardless of whether you live in a large apartment or a small one, or even in a country house, but no living space can be imagined without the main component of the interior – a sofa. In any house at least one of the rooms you will find a sofa! Of course, in appearance it can be very beautiful, cozy, compact and soft, but not many people know what filling it has and what it is actually made of.

When buying a sofa, it is necessary to check its internally content, elasticity, durability of the screws and the condition of the springs. It often turns out that with the constant expansion of the sofa, the bolts do not withstand sudden movements and simply fly out or break, this indicates that manufacturers have saved on the product. But real and high-quality custom-made furniture in Moscow can only be found in the shops of the city, where you will be offered a wide range of products and assistance in choosing one or another sofa or other item of the apartment.

To distinguish a real sofa from a genuine one, you need to inspect it, the springs should not be replaced with synthetic winterizer, foam rubber, latex coating. If you still cannot afford to buy a well-stocked and “solid” sofa, then it is best to purchase a sofa from solid pieces of material, but in no case, foam rubber crumbs. As it is right, a good sofa is one in which there is a spring block and the more springs, the better. All springs should be correctly recorded by special cells that will help them not break up. All sofas should have a metal mesh, which strengthens the structure of the sofa itself.

When choosing a sofa, it is necessary to take into account the factor how it will look in a room with other items and whether it will find a combination.