How to dance samba

When engaged in dancing samba, you need to observe certain rules. A certain style of this dance gives – flirting, vigor, feeling of a partner, flirting with each other. The mood of the dancers for the incendiary dance of the samba is also important. There is a very clear rhythm in the dance, which is fiercely felt at the beginning of musical reproduction. In this rhythm, the incendiary movements of partners are carried out, in certainty, “samba bounce” – pouling movements of the hips.

How to dance samba

It is necessary to carefully study the rhythmic movement of the dance of sambo. Because the score in the single tact of the dance itself is 1-and-2-and, and one such tact can be performed by two non-unable, one unnecessary and two or four sharp steps. A step directly, like a step to the left or law, is performed by the entire stubs from the pillow of the foot. If the movement begins with the heel, this is sometimes possible, then this is considered in a separate description of the figure. The movement of the back begins with the sock to the surface of the pillow, and then the whole foot. When moving forward, the case should always deviate slightly back, when moving back – forward, the head always holds straight.

In the rhythm of the dance there is a movement with some advantage of the body using the “false prefix” – the partner brings the free surface of the leg to the supporting side, and does not step over it, but begins a new step from this leg. The sixth position of the legs is defined as the basis for samba. There is a sambo movement so-called samba-bones. This is a spring movement in which the flexion and leveling of the supporting leg is performed at the location of the knee and in the ankles. All reducations and rises in samba-bones occur over the floor of a stab of the tact of musical accompaniment, when the rhythm of movements with the direct rhythm of steps is reunitable, a new rhythm is born.

How to dance samba

Samb dance is performed with relaxed joints. The movement of the hips occurs almost always forward and backward, and not like a rumba, where, by and large, movements are carried out in different directions. It is a lot important to pay attention to the harmony of the movement of partners.

We should not forget that Samba is a dynamic dance, where the provisions are often performed in large steps, the girl should get used to various changes in the direction of movement. The partner, in turn, leads the girl with both hands, depending on the combinations of the dance and the partner, must strain both hands.