How to tactfully abandon the proposal of the hand and heart

From early childhood, girls dream to marry a prince on a white horse, or at least a pretty caring young man. How many films, fairy tales were shot with a beautiful happy ending. Girls outline this moment in their imagination, as the happiest and most romantic in their lives. Even at school age, many girls share their dreams of their dreams with friends. Rearrange their wedding dress, groom’s outfit, a place of celebration and the number of guests. At an older one, these dreams are thrown into a certain person, but not everyone. It happens that, having started an adult life, they feel the desired freedom. Now there is an opportunity to make decisions themselves how to live, how to relax, where to go to work, etc.D.

How to tactfully abandon the proposal of the hand and heart

And such a free life can swing with your head and take away far. Especially those who were lucky enough to find a good beloved highly paid job, there are some gingerbreads to make children get married, give birth to children and exchange the long -awaited career prospects for cabbage soup, borscht, diapers and sliders. Such girls consider sitting at home, doing household chores and economy of one of the most humiliating classes. So what to do if you are one of these careers who love a free lifestyle, which, well, is not going to get your passport stamp, and you suddenly received a marriage proposal?

How to tactfully abandon the proposal of the hand and heart

Here are a few options for action in this situation.

1) If you are a wealthy girl from a rich family, then it easier for you. We can say that your parents never approve such a marriage, because they examine the pastries in husbands for their daughter only young people of their social status. They will never accept this young man, because he is not rich enough, educated, smart, well, further on the list. It may, of course, happen that he will be too persistent in his intentions, and will be able to convince his parents to give him more detailed explanations why he does not suit you. In any case, it will not work to maintain friendly relations after such explanations, so this is a very aggressive way to refuse to offer your hand and heart.

How to tactfully refuse a marriage proposal

2) The second method is of course less crude than the first, but it should be said right away that it will require you to include all your ingenuity and acting skills. It is designed to save existing relationships, well, if it doesn’t work out, then at least maintain friendship. So, you need to come up with some very good reason why you, by no means, cannot get married right now. The main thing here is to hold on confidently, to believe in the plausibility of your words yourself, otherwise the guy will decide that you are deceiving him. Say that the wedding is a dream for you, and the dream should come true beautifully, and for this you need to save up a tidy sum of money. This option may, of course, not be suitable if your young man is wealthy enough and wants to lay all the costs on his own shoulders. Then you will need to come up with more significant circumstances that supposedly interfere with your marriage.

How to tactfully abandon the proposal of the hand and heart

3) the third way. You just need to be honest with yourself and with your young man, and say the true reason for your non -desire to get married. For this, you need, first of all, to understand yourself, in your thoughts. Yourself first of all answer the question why you are so avoiding marriage. After all, there can be many reasons, for example, fear of disappointment, uncertainty in choosing a partner, or uncertainty in herself, because the status of a married woman adds many duties. Share this with your young man, and perhaps he will convince you of the reverse. Will substitute his male shoulder with a fragile girl, and you will understand that in a marriage, in fact, there is nothing to worry about.